Saturday, June 19

How to invite all your friends to facebook within 5 seconds:

I have been trying this for more than a month. But finally I found a
Let me show you how to invite or suggest your friends to
your fan page,group or a event.
1.Open up your page,event or group and
click "invite people to join" or "suggest to friends".
2.Now you can see a window which contains all of your friends photo with name.
3.Now copy and paste the below javascript code at the address bar at
the top and hit "Enter".


4.It works well in the internet explorer and mozilla fireox.
5.Now all of your friends get selected. Now click send invitations.Thats all.

I hope this is very useful for you. Please inform about this page to your friends and promote this blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The code dosen't work but You can make the code work in a different way. You can read it here

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