Saturday, July 3

Use your usb stick as computer lock key

If you are fear of other people using your computer sometimes in your may have questions like this- How to lock your computer? How to protect your computer without log off?. Predator is the solution for this. Predator is the program which can be installed on usb stick and use it as computer lock key. Let me show you how to do this.Download predator from It will be in zip file unzip this program and install it in C drive. Dont install it in usb drive. Now your computer asks you to insert your usb stick. Then give your password to protect. Thats all. Whenever you turn on your windows you must insert your usb stick into usb port. Run predator while windows starts.Then whenever you wish to lock your computer just bring your usb stick with you. After you remove the usb stick,mouse and keyboard will be locked and monitor will appear black. Your computer will be operated only by your usb stick. You may think that I can log off my computer or I can use win key + L to lock your system. If your password is known to somebody then your computer is no more protected. But if you do as I said your computer can be only accessed by you with your usb stick and predator.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Helpful information. In addition to protect computer, we should also protect our portable storage media like usb drive as the devices can be easily lost and the files on it can be easily accessed. For this, we can encrypt usb drive with encryption software like wondershare usb drive encryption.

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